Why Voting Matters to Racial Justice and Healthy Equity, Scott Downes, The Colorado Trust, May 2019. An article examining the intersection of racial barriers and voting rights, and how those rights are still under threat today.
A History of Violence, Scott Downes, The Colorado Trust, August 2018. An article that looks at the scope and levels of gun violence, the threat guns pose to women, and the intersection of guns and domestic abuse.
Lessons on Leadership and Service, Scott Downes, Medium, May 2018. A look back on the 20th anniversary of former Indiana Governor Joe Kernan’s 1998 commencement address at the University of Notre Dame, and its applications for today’s political leaders.
No More Half Measures: The Case for Bigger, Bolder Advocacy Support, Scott Downes, Grantmakers in Health: Views from the Field, April 2017. An article highlighting lessons from an Atlas Learning Project research brief on how foundations can better support policy campaigns while also building more lasting advocacy capacity.
Democracy is a Health Equity Issue, Scott Downes, The Colorado Trust, February 2017. An article looking at the ties between democratic participation, health equity and other policies, and longstanding barriers for some in the political process.
Fomenting the Rebellion, Scott Downes, Medium, January 2017. A dispatch from the Women's March on Denver.
Peyton Manning's Last Audible, Scott Downes, Medium, February 2016. An article about how Manning could help change the discussion of sexual assault on college campuses in the wake of long-standing allegations.
Get On Board: The Value and Importance of Nonprofit Board Service, Scott Downes, What's The Risk Blog, December 2015. A blog post on lessons for volunteerism and nonprofit board service.
On Gratitude, Scott Downes, Medium, February 2015. An essay that looks back on mentorship, appreciation for new opportunity, and living more grateful lives.
Field of Themes: Five Early Lessons from an Innovative Advocacy Approach, Scott Downes, National Civic Review, Winter 2014, Volume 103, Issue 4. An article highlighting key themes that emerged from the planning phase of an advocacy field-building grant strategy.
We All Left Somewhere, Scott Downes. The Colorado Trust, 2014. Commentary on the launch of a new community engagement strategy in rural Colorado.
No More Half Measures, Scott Downes, Center for Evaluation Innovation, October 2016. This research brief looks at how foundations can better support policy campaigns while also building more lasting capacity. The brief was produced as part of the Atlas Learning Project with support from The Atlantic Philanthropies.
Putting Advocacy Lessons to Use, Scott Downes, From the Field/Medium, January 2016. An overview of the Atlas Learning Project, which was a multiyear effort, coordinated by the Center for Evaluation Innovation, to synthesize and share lessons learned from policy change and advocacy campaigns supported by Atlantic Philanthropies' and other funders.
From Paper to Practice: Key Lessons for Foundations Deploying Complex Strategies, Scott Downes, Jewlya Lynn, Ph.D., and Phil Chung. The Colorado Trust. March 2015. This report highlights key insights about complex grant strategies through the lens of one foundation's experience with a public will building campaign.
If You Build It, They Will Come: Creating the Space and Support for Real-Time Strategic Learning, Jewlya Lynn, Rebecca Kahn, Phil Chung, and Scott Downes. The Foundation Review, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2013. Learning is a key tool for foundations seeking to improve their effectiveness. This article explores how The Colorado Trust integrated the Spark model for strategic learning into a grant strategy, including supporting learning coaches for their grantees. Four cases are explored, including three grantees and the foundation as a case, to identify methods of learning and resulting changes in strategies.
The Five Stages of the Mount Evans Hill Climb, Scott Downes, Rodeo Labs Journal, August 2016. Race report on the Mount Evans Hill Climb.
Rodeo Rally: Rollins Pass, Scott Downes, Rodeo Labs Journal, July 2016. Trip write up about an exploratory day on the bike near Rollins Pass and the James Peak Wilderness Area.
Haute Route is Coming, Scott Downes, 303Cycling News, June, 2016. A preview of the upcoming Haute Route Rockies event, coming to Colorado in 2017.
The Champ Is Here: Q&A with Fat Bike Work Champion Amy Beisel, Scott Downes, 303Cycling News, March 2016. An interview with the pro mountain bike racer and unofficial Fat Bike World champion.
Evie's Hour: The Scene at Evelyn Stevens' Record-Setting Day, Scott Downes, 303Cycling News, February 2016. A recap of Evelyn Stevens successful attempt to break the UCI Hour Record.
The Breck Epic: Six Days of Singletrack Survival, Scott Downes, Rodeo Labs Journal, August 2015. Race report on the six-stage, 240-mile Breck Epic mountain bike race.